Monthly Archives: March 2010

Dell openmanage and Nimbus monitoring – SNMP Traps

Start Dell openmange.

Goto System -> Alert Management -> SNMP Traps.

Select all the information you want sent to Nimbus

Now startup services in adminsitration tools, and right click on SNMP Services and choice Properties.
Go to Traps, and type community name, in my example it is appmanager, and the traps destionations should be the nimbus server or where you are going to install the snmptd agents in nimbus.

No go into nimbus and install snmptd and dom_traps on the host where you will monitoring the Dell openmanage hardware.
And then go to host, and right click on snmptd agents, and choice configure.

Press the last icon, “User/Security Manager” and put in the community name from last step, in my example that will be appmanager.

Now you should be running

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Pureftpd (Ubuntu / Debian)

Setting up Pure ftpd to run on certains port is very simple.
Log on to you linux box and run this command:

echo “60010 60030” > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PassivePortRange
/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd restart

or if you run mysql as a backend

/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd-mysql restart

Now you just need to forward port 60010 to 60030, to you linux box.