CA BrightStor 11.5 under linux (Arcserve R11.5)

I have tonight install CA Brightstor 11.5, on my Linux servers. I am running Debian so it’s pretty easy; we just need these two files:


So it’s just: dpkg –i /cdrom/cmagent/babcmagt.deb
dpkg –i /cdrom/cmagent/babagtux.deb

Then we need to setup the 2 files:

Then wee need the agent to start automatic
cd /etc/init.d/
ln –s /opt/CA/BABcmagt/caagent .

Then wee to change something in BABcmagt config fil:
This should be: #ENV LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.18
update-rc.d caagent defaults
caagent disable all
caagent enable all

If you forget to change this line you get some error about:
12/15 02:47:39(8282) – (_AGBRSpawnSubBrowser), major=11, minor=5 12/15 02:47:39(8283) – (chuid) (root), uid=0, gid=0
12/15 02:47:39(8282) – (_AGBRSpawnSubBrowser): child pid=8283
12/15 02:47:39(8282) – (stcpSend)Failed in send(4), tosnd=8, length=8, Broken pipe
12/15 02:47:39(8282) – (AGBRSendHeader) Failed to send BROWSER_HEADER
12/15 02:47:39(8282) – (_AGBRAppendSubBrowser) Failed in _AGBROpenDir(), ret=-1
12/15 02:47:39(8282) – (_AGBRSpawnSubBrowser): Failed in _AGBRAppendSubBrowser(), ret=-1
12/15 02:47:39(8282) – (uniBrowser) no sub-browser is available

If you are using Ubuntu, please do this also:

If you want to install on Ubuntu (which uses dash as /bin/sh), you need to go through some additional steps.

Go to this page:

Download and install getlibs

Right after you dpkg -i the 2 .deb’s, you need to change /bin/sh to /bin/bash in all files in /opt/CA. Then you can proceed as directed above, and all is good.

Thanks to Craig Andrews and Clark Burns, for this Ubuntu trick.

28 thoughts on “CA BrightStor 11.5 under linux (Arcserve R11.5)

  1. Jonas PARIENTE

    thank you for this post !
    How did you find the trick with LD_ASSUME_KERNEL in agent.cfg file ?

  2. Chris

    A google search for this error brought me here. Thank you so much.
    I’m sure CA support could have helped me… but I would have had to lie because I’m using an unsupported OS.

    You are awesome!

  3. Craig

    If you want to install on Ubuntu (which uses dash as /bin/sh), you need to go through some additional steps.

    Right after you dpkg -i the 2 .deb’s, you need to change /bin/sh to /bin/bash in all files in /opt/CA. Then you can proceed as directed above, and all is good.

  4. Glenn


    With you help I did get the agent to work on ubuntu. The only problem now is I get “Lost connection with server” from Arcserve Manager for windows. Do you have any ideas?

  5. Rik

    Great Job!
    I just installed 11.5 on Ubuntu server 8.04 LTS with no problem at all!
    The trick was sh to bash conversion…
    Many thanks to all for your help!!!

  6. Ove

    We have some ubuntu (8.04) servers as VMs in VMware.
    I have followed your instruktions but not been able to install Arceserve 11.5. It seems that the SharedComponents directory is not included in the 2 deb’s. What’s happens is that uagentsetup complains about Invalid Uagent Licens (the qlicok returns 127, should be 0).
    Did you install one of the 2 rpm’s (from the Arcerserve Agent CD/ISO) that contains SharedComponents directory in some way? Or do we not need it in the Debian-install?

  7. Ronald Rodriguez

    Thank you very much for this POST. It works like a charm.

    Hi from Quito – Ecuador – South America.

  8. Steve Bareman


    Many thanks to you for this posting. We just installed Arcserve 11.5 update 4 client agent on a virtual machine running Ubuntu JEOS because your instructions [plus the comments below about /bin/bash] helped us figure out how to do it.

    -yours with abundant gratitude,


  9. Doug Pendergras

    Thanks for all the tips!

    I can successfully install and run on my ubuntu 8.04 desktop but not on ubuntu server 8.04.

    caagent enable all
    returns this error..
    /usr/bin/caagent: line 270: /opt/CA/BABcmagt/caagentd: No such file or directory
    /usr/bin/caagent: line 270: /opt/CA/BABcmagt/caagentd: No such file or directory

    any ideas?

    Thanks a million,


  10. Clark Burns

    First off, thanks for all the help with this!


    To fix all the above issues related to Ubuntu 8.04 server edition you need to do the following:

    Go to this page:

    Download and install getlibs

    Once installed run getlibs from the command line. Now proceed with the above guide as normal replacing /bib/sh with /bin/bash etc.

    The software is reliant on some 32bit libs when installing on Ubuntu and I’m running 64bit. My guess is the people with issues above are running the 64 bit as well.

    Hope this helps!


  11. Scott McIntyre

    If you are getting the ‘shell’ related nls erros like this:
    [: 108: /opt/CA/BABcmagt/nls/-e/Messages: unexpected operator
    [: 89: /opt/CA/BABcmagt/nls/-e/Messages: unexpected operator
    [: 642: /opt/CA/BABcmagt/nls/-e/Messages: unexpected operator
    [: 642: /opt/CA/BABcmagt/nls/-e/Messages: unexpected operator
    [: 642: /opt/CA/BABcmagt/nls/-e/Messages: unexpected operator

    I did the quick fix:
    rm /bin/sh
    ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

    Now follow Craig’s instructions. This was just much easier to document and maintain then editing each file.

  12. Louwrentius

    Thanks for the instructions.

    I got “Lost connection with” messages on the manager. I commented out the suggested line in agent.cfg and it worked!

  13. Louwrentius

    Thanks a lot.

    It was not working properly using Debian Lenny, but after commenting out that specific line in agent.cfg, it worked.

    Otherwise, I got Lost “connection with” messages on the manager.

  14. Roger


    On ubuntu 9.10. I installed the client as instructed above and modified the .cfg.

    In Arcserve manager 11.5SP3 I can view the files in the Ubuntu directory structure but cannot backup them up. I get “Failed to connect with client agent”

    Please advise.

  15. Danny

    What is the efect of installing getlibs? I’ve tried installing on Ubuntu 10.04 but no luck so far. Are we meant to install the packages with getlibs?

  16. Gus

    In Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits it required to have installed 32 bits libs:

    apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch

    Here are the commands I run:
    dpkg -i bab*.deb
    find /opt/CA -type f -exec sed -i ‘s/^\#\!\/bin\/sh/\#\!\/bin\/bash/g’ {} \;
    sed -i ‘s/^ENV LD_ASSUME_KERNEL/#ENV LD_ASSUME_KERNEL/g’ /opt/CA/BABcmagt/agent.cfg
    ln -s /opt/CA/BABcmagt/caagent /etc/init.d/caagent
    update-rc.d caagent defaults
    caagent disable all
    caagent enable all

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