SPF Record lookup
www.iptools.dk har fået en ny funktion, som kan slå et SPF record op for et domæne og du vil herefter kunne se hvilket host der er tilladt der må sende…
www.iptools.dk har fået en ny funktion, som kan slå et SPF record op for et domæne og du vil herefter kunne se hvilket host der er tilladt der må sende…
Howto Export all mailbox’es and there size to a CSV file get–mailbox | get-mailboxstatistics | select-object DisplayName,TotalItemSize,StorageLimitStatus,LastLogonTime | Export-Csv c:\exchange.csv
Skal du ud og købe ny telefon ved Callme, så har jeg en stor opfordring til jer allesammen. Husk at ringe ind til Callme hver eneste dag indtil i modtager…
This guide is only for recovery of a broken IOS image on you Cisco switch!. First download a new image from Cisco. Is require a Cisco login, ask you dealer…
Microsoft have launch a new webpage to test Exchange remote connectivity. It can test: ActiveSync Activesync autodiscover Outlook autodiscover Microsoft Exchange Web Services Connectivity Tests Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTP)…
Today i have a user that could get access to the exchange webmail. (OWA). There are som solutions for this error, try to fix from bullet number 1, and down.…
USE <databasename> GO DBCC SHRINKFILE(‘<logfilename-logical name>’, 1) BACKUP LOG <databasename> WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY DBCC SHRINKFILE(‘<logfilename-logical name>’, 1) GO
Howto see active sessions in a mssql. Its pretty easy just make a new query, and run sp_who or sp_who2. sp_who shows whitch active sessions there are, and sp_who2 shows…
Post updated look here: http://kennethdalbjerg.dk/2011/02/04/backup-of-exchange-2010-with-ahsay
To export Exchange 2007/2010 tracking log to a Excel, just run this command. get-messagetrackinglog -Start “31-08-2010 00:00:00” -End “01-09-2010 12:16:00″ -resultsize Unlimited | select-object Timestamp,ClientIp,ClientHostname,ServerIp,ServerHostname,SourceContext,ConnectorId,Source,EventId,InternalMessageId,MessageId,TotalBytes,RecipientCount,MessageSubject,Sender,ReturnPath,@{Name=”Recipients”;Expression={$_.recipients}},MessageInfo | Export-Csv It will export…