Yearly Archives: 2010

Callme og bestilling af ny telefon. Husk følg selv op på Callme

Skal du ud og købe ny telefon ved Callme, så har jeg en stor opfordring til jer allesammen.
Husk at ringe ind til Callme hver eneste dag indtil i modtager jeres telefon. De har et ret godt system til bestilling af telefoner, ens ordre kan gå i “fejl”. Og så gør Callme ikke noget ved ordren.
Nå man så ringer ind, så for man at bare at vide at ens telefon er på vej, først nå man spørger ind til hvorfor den nu har været på lager i en uge, og den ikke er sendt ud til en, finde de ud af at ens ordre er gået i “fejl”.

Recovery IOS image with help of serial (console) and xmodem

This guide is only for recovery of a broken IOS image on you Cisco switch!.

First download a new image from Cisco. Is require a Cisco login, ask you dealer for a login for Cisco or a IOS image for you switch.

  1. Download Tera Term Pro:
  2. Connect to the serial port in Tera Term Pro – Setup -> Serial port.
    Port: Com2 (Or what you serial port number is)
    Baud rate: 9600
    Data: 8 bit
    Parity: none
    Stop: 1 bit
    Flow control: none

    Then press OK

  3. Now you are connect to the switch and the switch shows “switch: “, here type:
    set BAUD 115200
  4. Now the serial speed is set to 115200, so the transfer will go a lot faster, so we just need to disconnect tera term and connect again with the new baud rate.
    In Tera term go to File – Disconnect
  5. Now we need to setup a new connection – Setup -> Serial port.
    Port: Com2 (Or what you serial port number is)
    Baud rate: 115200
    Data: 8 bit
    Parity: none
    Stop: 1 bit
    Flow control: none

    Then press OK.

  6. Now we are connect with baud rate 115200, then type:
    copy xmodem: flash:image_filename.bin
    Where image_filename.bin, is the filename of the image, if you image lastname is .tar you need to unpack it first. Use 7zip for that.
  7. Then wee need to send the image to switch choise File -> transfer -> send in tera term.
    And pick up you new image file, and wait for tera term to finish.
  8. After the upload has finish type:
    boot flash:image_filename.bin
  9. Then the image will boot. Now you need to setup the switch so it will boot automatic on that image everytime you reboot the switch, go to configure terminal (conf t)
  10. Here you type:
    boot system flash:image_filename.bin
    And maybe you want to set the baud rate to default 9600 agian
    line con 0
    speed 9600
  11. exit the configure terminal and type:
    wr mem

Now you are finish recovery you switch.

Test Exchange remote connectivity

Microsoft have launch a new webpage to test Exchange remote connectivity.

It can test:

Activesync autodiscover
Outlook autodiscover
Microsoft Exchange Web Services Connectivity Tests
Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTP)

Outbound SMTP E-Mail

A problem occurred while trying to use your mailbox

Today i have a user that could get access to the exchange webmail. (OWA).

There are som solutions for this error, try to fix from bullet number 1, and down.

  1. Get-Mailbox User_Name | format-list ExchangeVersion
    if the version is below 0.1 the run this command:
    Set-Mailbox User_Name -ApplyMandatoryProperties
  2. 1. Open ADUC, and go to the properties of the user that is having problems.
    2. Click the Security tab, and then the Advanced button.
    3. Make sure the “Allow inheritable permissions from the parent to propagate to this object…” is checked.
    4. Give AD time to replicate the change and try to login in via OWA again.
  3. Restart the Information Store service.
  4. 1. Open ADUC, and go to the properties of the user that is having problems.
    2. Click the Security tab, and then the find the account SELF.
    3. Give it fuld access.
    4. Give AD time to replicate the change and try to login in via OWA again.
  5. If all this dosen’t work, disable the user in Exchange EMC, this will delete the mailbox, so remember to have a backup of the account first. Then create a new mailbox to this user, and create the user again, and restore the mailbox from your backup.

Export Exchange 2007/2010 tracking log

To export Exchange 2007/2010 tracking log to a Excel, just run this command.
get-messagetrackinglog -Start “31-08-2010 00:00:00” -End “01-09-2010 12:16:00″ -resultsize Unlimited | select-object Timestamp,ClientIp,ClientHostname,ServerIp,ServerHostname,SourceContext,ConnectorId,Source,EventId,InternalMessageId,MessageId,TotalBytes,RecipientCount,MessageSubject,Sender,ReturnPath,@{Name=”Recipients”;Expression={$_.recipients}},MessageInfo | Export-Csv
It will export all mails from 31/8-2010 to 1/9-2010, with the selected fiels.