Monthly Archives: January 2013

Xenserver – Problems with the master of the pool, down – dead or corrupt

If you have problems, that you master is dead or have som troubles, and you need to selected a new master, you can do this with this commands:

xe pool-emergency-transition-to-master

Then on the others slave you can run this commands:

xe pool-emergency-reset-master master-address=NewMasterAddress

And then when the master is running again run this command on the old master

xe pool-emergency-reset-master master-address=NewMasterAddress

Kill a stuck vm in shuting down mode or pending mode

There are 3 options to do this, witch way depend on the stuck mode, start with options 1 and work you way thougt it onto the vm is shutdown.

Options 1:

SSH to the Xenserver witch running the vm

Type these commands:

xe task-list

Found the task and the UUID for this task, and kill it

xe task-cancel force=true uuid=<UUID>

 Options 2:

SSH to the Xenserver witch running the vm

xe vm-list

Find the vm han get the UUID

list_domains | grep <UUID>

Get the number in front of the UUID

/opt/xensource/debug/destroy_domain -domid <DOMID>

Options 3:

SSH to the Xenserver witch running the vm
