Daily Archives: May 27, 2013

XenServer: Powershell

If you like Powershell, you will like the XenServer Powershell.

Download XenServer SDK from the Citrix.com download page (You need to logon with you Citrix credentitals)

After you have install Citrix Xenserver Powershell, you can test to see if it have been install by running this comands:

Get-PSSnapin -registered

If it installed, you can add it to you powershell session by typing this command:

Add-PSSnapin Xen*

To connect to the XenServer

Connect-XenServer -Url https://<ServerIP>

To get all vm on the Xenserver:


To only show the VM with VDI in the middle of the name

Get-XenServer:VM -name *vdi*

To see all command from XenServer Powershell

Get-Command -module Xen*


See more commands here:


XenServer: Add an extra Core to a CPU Socket

You can’t add extra Core to a CPU socket though XenCenter, you need to start you console of the XenServer.

To Add 4 Core in each CPU Socket you need to run this commands:

xe vm-param-set platform:cores-per-socket=4 uuid=<VM UUID>

To found the vm’s UUID, you can use these commands:

xe vm-list name-label=<Name of the VM>

After you have put 4 core in each CPU socket you also need to run these commands:

xe vm-param-set VCPUs-max=8 uuid=<VM UUID>
xe vm-param-set VCPUs-at-startup=8 uuid=<VM UUID>

This will add 8 CPU in totalt, but only 2 CPU socket with each 4 Core.

Kubuntu – Blankpage / hang after logon

Today I have a problem with my Kubuntu, that after i have apply my password for my user, I just got a blank page, only with the standard background of Kubuntu.

I found that I couldn’t start KDE, with the command startkde in the console, I don’t know how, but i was missing the apt-get packet name “kde-workspace-bin”

So I run this command:

sudo apt-get install kde-workspace-bin

Tips:  You can get into the console but holding down the following keys: CTRL ALT F1