Daily Archives: July 16, 2014

Uninstall all updates installed on a specific day

Get the list of the update

wmic qfe get hotfixid,installedon | findstr MM/DD/YYYY > c:\list.txt


  1. Open C:\list.txt in Notepad.
  2. Go to Edit > Replace and set the following field values:
    Find what: KB
    Replace with: Leave the line empty
  3. Go to Edit > Replace and set the following field values:
    Find what: MM/DD/YYYY
    Replace with: Leave the line empty
  4. Generate this uninstall script:

for /f %i in (‘type c:\list.txt’) do echo wusa /uninstall /kb:%i >> c:\uninstall.list

Open uninstal.list  run each line by itselft.