Microsoft Excel har fundet en fejl og afsluttes. Vi beklager ulejligheden ved afslutning af Excel
Nå du lukker et Excel ned, så kan den komme den og sige: Microsoft Excel har fundet en fejl og afsluttes. Dette kan muligvis løses ved at gå ned i…
Nå du lukker et Excel ned, så kan den komme den og sige: Microsoft Excel har fundet en fejl og afsluttes. Dette kan muligvis løses ved at gå ned i…
Howto Export all mailbox’es and there size to a CSV file get–mailbox | get-mailboxstatistics | select-object DisplayName,TotalItemSize,StorageLimitStatus,LastLogonTime | Export-Csv c:\exchange.csv
This guide is only for recovery of a broken IOS image on you Cisco switch!. First download a new image from Cisco. Is require a Cisco login, ask you dealer…
Microsoft have launch a new webpage to test Exchange remote connectivity. It can test: ActiveSync Activesync autodiscover Outlook autodiscover Microsoft Exchange Web Services Connectivity Tests Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTP)…
Today i have a user that could get access to the exchange webmail. (OWA). There are som solutions for this error, try to fix from bullet number 1, and down.…
USE <databasename> GO DBCC SHRINKFILE(‘<logfilename-logical name>’, 1) BACKUP LOG <databasename> WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY DBCC SHRINKFILE(‘<logfilename-logical name>’, 1) GO
Howto see active sessions in a mssql. Its pretty easy just make a new query, and run sp_who or sp_who2. sp_who shows whitch active sessions there are, and sp_who2 shows…
Post updated look here:
To export Exchange 2007/2010 tracking log to a Excel, just run this command. get-messagetrackinglog -Start “31-08-2010 00:00:00” -End “01-09-2010 12:16:00″ -resultsize Unlimited | select-object Timestamp,ClientIp,ClientHostname,ServerIp,ServerHostname,SourceContext,ConnectorId,Source,EventId,InternalMessageId,MessageId,TotalBytes,RecipientCount,MessageSubject,Sender,ReturnPath,@{Name=”Recipients”;Expression={$_.recipients}},MessageInfo | Export-Csv It will export…
When you upload and extension (Components, Modules, Plugins, Languages Templates) to joomla I come across this error. The solution for this error was just chmod 777 tmp directory in the…