Category Archives: Computer

OWA is not working with “owaauth.dll failed to load”

The first error had an Error ID of 2214 and a description of:

“Could not load all ISAPI filters for site ‘DEFAULT WEB SITE’.  Therefore site startup aborted.”

The second error had an Error ID of 2268 and a description of:

“The HTTP Filter DLL C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\owa\auth\owaauth.dll failed to load.  The data is the error.”

I have resolv this error by copying the C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Bin\extrace.dll to c:\windows\system32\

Why Exchange OWA can’t find the file in orginal place i can’t answher? But now OWA is working again

Howto firmware upgrade a Procurve switch with TFTP

In this examble we are using for the switch, and the PC have
Telnet or attach the serial cable to you switch, then run these commands:

configure terminal
vlan 1
no ip add
ip address
copy tftp flash k_12_02.swi
copy tftp flash k_12_02.swi secondary

Problems with apt-get in ubuntu (NO_PUBKEY 9AA38DCD55BE302B NO_PUBKEY 4D270D06F42584E6)

I got this error:

W: GPG error: stable Release: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 9AA38DCD55BE302B NO_PUBKEY 4D270D06F42584E6
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

This can be resolve but typing:
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 9AA38DCD55BE302B
gpg --armor --export 9AA38DCD55BE302B | apt-key add -

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 4D270D06F42584E6
gpg --armor --export 4D270D06F42584E6 | apt-key add -

Securing a Exchange 2007 Client Access server, with a signed certificates

Securing a Exchange 2007 Client Access server, with a signed certificates

First to request a certificates start Exchange Management Shell

Type this into the console:

New-ExchangeCertificate -DomainName exchange01.domainname.local, webmail.domain.prefix -FriendlyName ”Microsoft Exchange” -GenerateRequest:$True -Keysize 2048 -path c:\certrequest.txt -privatekeyExportable:$true -subjectName “c=DK, o=organization name, CN=webmail.domain.prefix”

Change domainname.local, domain.prefix (2 places) and last change you organization name.

Now you get a file, name c:\certrequest.txt. The content of this file, you can send this to yours 3rd party certificate authority.
After this you got an a signed certificates back, as you need to import into the Exchange servers, this is done like this.

Copy the sign certificates to a file in the root of c:\ name signcert.txt
And run this in the Exchange console

Import-ExchangeCertificate –Path c:\signcert.txt | Enable-ExchangeCertificate –Services IIS,POP,IMAP,SMTP

Exchange 2003 and powershell

Have you ever need a list of yours mailbox and the size of it. You can find this in system manager, but you cannot export this list.
With Powershell you can get a list that you example can import in excel.
First you need to download and install powershell, you can download powershell from here:

After you have downloaded and install it, type this command in the powershell

get-wmiobject -class Exchange_Mailbox -Namespace ROOT\MicrosoftExchangev2 -ComputerName servername | select-object MailboxDisplayName,TotalItems,Size

Change “servername” to you servers name example exchange01

Exchange 2003 and 75GB datastore

With exchange 2003 SP2, the database store in Exchange is increase to 75GB, this is not setup automatic.
You have to change something in the registry database.

To set the size of the private mail store

  1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK. Regedit starts.
  2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ System/ CurrentControlSet/ Services/ MSExchangeIS/ ServerName, where ServerName is the name of your server that is running Windows SBS.
  3. To modify the private mail store size, right-click the Private-GUID folder, click New, and then click DWORD Value.
  4. Type Database Size Limit in GB, and then press ENTER.
  5. Right-click the new entry and then click Modify.
  6. In the Base field, click Decimal. In the Value data text box, type a number between 1 and 75. This is the new maximum size of your database in gigabytes.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Close Regedit.

Next you maybe want to get a warning when the database is almost at the limit, this can be setup this way:
To set the size of the buffer

  1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK. Regedit starts.
  2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ System/ CurrentControlSet/ Services/ MSExchangeIS/ ServerName, where ServerName is the name of your server that is running Windows SBS.
  3. To set a buffer size for the private mail store, right-click the Private-GUID folder, click New, and then click DWORD Value.
  4. Type Database Size Buffer in Percentage, and press ENTER.
  5. Right-click the new value and then click Modify.
  6. In the Base field, click Decimal. In the Value data text box, type a number between 1 and 100. A value of 10, for example, results in warning events being logged when the database has 10 percent capacity remaining.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Close Regedit.

Arcserve R12 missing Exchange document level

After you have installed Arcserve R12, you maybe missing Exchange document level on you Exchange 2007. This may caused by you don’t have install ”Microsoft Messaging API and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1”, this can be downloaded here:

After you have install this, you only need to restart the two CA services on the Exchange server:
CA ARCserve Discovery Service
CA ARCserve Universal Agent

Problems moving a user from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007 (Problems two)

We have some troubles moving user from one exchange 2003 to exchange 2007. We found that “Authenticated Users” was not in the user group Users, on the Exchange 2003 machine.
If the Exchange 2003 is a domain controller the Authenticated Users still need to be member of the user group.

The error we was getting was this:
Error was found for XX because: Error occurred in the step: Preparing mailbox to be moved. Failed to copy basic mailbox information with error: The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service could not find the specified object., error code: -1056749241
Exchange Management Shell command attempted:
‘141fc3d8-c100-46e6-b402-fc653b26afe4′ | move-mailbox -TargetDatabase ‘CN=Mailbox Database,CN=First Storage Group,CN=InformationStore,CN=XXXX,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (XXXXX),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=XXXX,DC=net’
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