Category Archives: Windows

Powershell – Get-DistributionGroup with all email addressess

$File = “C:\ita\groupslog.txt”
Get-DistributionGroup | select name , alias ,displayname,EmailAddresses | foreach {
“Name: “+$
“Alias: “+$_.alias
“Displayname“ +$_.displayname
$_.EmailAddresses | foreach {
“SmtpAddress: “+$_.SmtpAddress
} | out-File $File

Microsoft Excel har fundet en fejl og afsluttes. Vi beklager ulejligheden ved afslutning af Excel

Nå du lukker et Excel ned, så kan den komme den og sige: Microsoft Excel har fundet en fejl og afsluttes.

Dette kan muligvis løses ved at gå ned i start og vælg kø, skriv her: regedit og tryk kør

Gå nu til HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins

Her er det et punkt der hedder noget med bluetooth, gå ind under denne og sæt LoadBehavior key fra 3 til 0. Således at den nu står til 0 (Nul). Genstart så Excel og prøv at lukke programmet

Test Exchange remote connectivity

Microsoft have launch a new webpage to test Exchange remote connectivity.

It can test:

Activesync autodiscover
Outlook autodiscover
Microsoft Exchange Web Services Connectivity Tests
Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTP)

Outbound SMTP E-Mail

A problem occurred while trying to use your mailbox

Today i have a user that could get access to the exchange webmail. (OWA).

There are som solutions for this error, try to fix from bullet number 1, and down.

  1. Get-Mailbox User_Name | format-list ExchangeVersion
    if the version is below 0.1 the run this command:
    Set-Mailbox User_Name -ApplyMandatoryProperties
  2. 1. Open ADUC, and go to the properties of the user that is having problems.
    2. Click the Security tab, and then the Advanced button.
    3. Make sure the “Allow inheritable permissions from the parent to propagate to this object…” is checked.
    4. Give AD time to replicate the change and try to login in via OWA again.
  3. Restart the Information Store service.
  4. 1. Open ADUC, and go to the properties of the user that is having problems.
    2. Click the Security tab, and then the find the account SELF.
    3. Give it fuld access.
    4. Give AD time to replicate the change and try to login in via OWA again.
  5. If all this dosen’t work, disable the user in Exchange EMC, this will delete the mailbox, so remember to have a backup of the account first. Then create a new mailbox to this user, and create the user again, and restore the mailbox from your backup.