Citrix XenDesktop (5) VDI network Ports TCP / UDP
From / TO Ports User machine / Web Interface tcp/80 User machine / VDI tcp/1494 tcp/3389
From / TO Ports User machine / Web Interface tcp/80 User machine / VDI tcp/1494 tcp/3389
To get sum of all desktops in the Citrix Xendesktop (5) farm, just run this commands: Asnp Citrix.* Get-BrokerDesktopGroup | measure-object -property TotalDesktops -sum | select sum
The following ports need to be open from the VDI to the Provision servers. UDP 69 UDP 6905-6930 UDP 4011 TCP 54321-54322 TCP 10802-10803
Jeg er blevet certificeret i Citrix XenDesktop, samtidig med at jeg har sat et komplet redudant Citrix Xendesktop miljø op. Citrix Xendesktop tilbyder dig en hosted desktop løsning, der hvor…
1. Create a new directory called e:\vdilogging\. The Network and Local service accounts need to have write access to this folder. If you using vdisk in standard mode, remember to…