Category Archives: Andet

Howto to Push local administrators into domain member computers with GPO

Security Groups

First create a Security groups in you Active directory. I call it IT-Admins.
And add members to it. There members hive will be granted locally administrators rights on member computers.

Group Policy

Create a GPO in the OU where you member computers is located example call it LocalAdministrators.
Right click “LocalAdministrators” group Policy
2. Expand Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Restricted Groups
3. Right click on the white place and choice “Add Group…”
4. Type IT-Admins and press OK
5. Click Add under “This group is a member of:”
6. Add the “Administrators” Group.
7. Add “Remote Desktop Users”
8 OK

Please be aware of change  “Members of this group:” it will override the settings you have made in the group members, when you created the group.

ubuntu – NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C1192

If you get this warning:

W: GPG error: maverick Release: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C1192

You just need to run this command:

apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 3E5C1192

Callme og bestilling af ny telefon. Husk følg selv op på Callme

Skal du ud og købe ny telefon ved Callme, så har jeg en stor opfordring til jer allesammen.
Husk at ringe ind til Callme hver eneste dag indtil i modtager jeres telefon. De har et ret godt system til bestilling af telefoner, ens ordre kan gå i “fejl”. Og så gør Callme ikke noget ved ordren.
Nå man så ringer ind, så for man at bare at vide at ens telefon er på vej, først nå man spørger ind til hvorfor den nu har været på lager i en uge, og den ikke er sendt ud til en, finde de ud af at ens ordre er gået i “fejl”.