Tag Archives: folder

Compare two folders with Powershell

This script checks first that folders exist, then that filename are the same, and then that file Hash is the same

#$folder1 = "C:\Temp\test"
#$folder2 = "C:\Temp\test2"

if ((Test-Path -Path $folder1) -and (Test-Path -Path $folder2)) {
    echo "The folders exist"
    echo "Folder1: $folder1"
    echo "Folder2: $folder2"
    $sourceFiles = Get-ChildItem $folder1 -Recurse
    $destFiles = Get-ChildItem $folder2 -Recurse
    if (Compare-Object $sourceFiles.Name $destFiles.Name) {
        echo "The folders is not the same"
    } else {
        echo "Check of the folders show us that there have the same content - OK"
        $SourceDocs = Get-ChildItem –Path $folder1 -Recurse | foreach  {Get-FileHash –Path $_.FullName}
        $DestDocs = Get-ChildItem –Path $folder2 -Recurse | foreach  {Get-FileHash –Path $_.FullName}
        if ($SourceDocs.Hash -ne $destDocs.Hash) {
            echo "There are difference in the the files"
            echo "folder1 Hash: $SourceDocs.hash"
            echo "folder2 Hash: $DestDocs.hash"
        } else  {
            echo "The folders are the same!"
} else {
    Echo "One of the folders or both, dosn't exist"

Edit an Group Policy object

If you receive this warning in Group Policy Management, when you are trying to edit an Group policy object:

Failed to open the Group Policy Object. You may not have appropriate rights.

The system cannot find the path specified.

This warning can happen, when one of the following folders are missing:
  • %SystemRoot%\Sysvol\Sysvol\DomainName
  • %SystemRoot%\Sysvol\Sysvol\DomainName\Policies
  • %SystemRoot%\Sysvol\Sysvol\DomainName\Policies\{GUID}
  • %SystemRoot%\Sysvol\Sysvol\DomainName\Policies\{GUID}\Machine
  • %SystemRoot%\Sysvol\Sysvol\DomainName\Policies\{GUID}\User

In my case, I was missing the Machine folder. I just created that folder, and then i could edit the object again.