Tag Archives: office

Intune Exchange Connector version is not supported

Microsoft have public this article: https://support.microsoft.com/da-dk/help/4464186/microsoft-intune-exchange-connector-version-not-supported, that tell you to just download a new version from Microsoft Intune Admin portal.

But this warning messages could also happen if you allready have a connector installed on another server, even if microsoft says that the new connector will just replace the old one.
So if you get this warning, just after you have downloaded the software, and you have an old connector, delete the old one first.
Remember to check notice of what User Notification and Unmanaged device access where set to before deleting the old one

Windows 7 / Office 2010 get serial key from registry

For personale use only, use this programs:


With this programs you can get the Serial key from you installed Windows 7 or Office 2010:


The product is code by:

ProduKey v1.53
Copyright (c) 2005 – 2011 Nir Sofer
Web Site: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/product_cd_key_viewer.html

It can get the serial for this products:

* Microsoft Windows 98/ME
* Microsoft Windows 2000
* Microsoft Windows NT
* Microsoft Windows XP
* Microsoft Windows Vista
* Microsoft Windows Server 2003
* Microsoft Windows 7 (Works only for some of the Windows 7 versions,
see the known problems section)
* Microsoft Office 2000 (Only ProductID is displayed)
* Microsoft Office 2003
* Microsoft Office 2007
* Microsoft Office 2010
* Microsoft SQL Server 2000
* Microsoft SQL Server 2005
* Microsoft Exchange Server 2000
* Microsoft Exchange Server 2003


Known Problems

* When running produkey.exe, Some Antivirus programs displays an alert
and/or block you from running it. Click here to read more about false
alerts in Antivirus programs
* For some Windows 7/2008 licenses, the product key is not stored in
the Registry, and thus ProduKey cannot retrieve them. In these cases,
ProduKey will display ‘Product key was not found’ in the product key
* If you bought your computer with installed operating system, you may
find the Windows product key appeared in ProduKey utility is different
from the product key on your Windows CD. This problem is mostly
reported with Dell computers.
* From unknown reason, the product key of Visual Stuido .NET is written
in the Registry as Office XP product…
* In old versions of Office (Office 2000 and below), the ‘Product Key’
value is not available.

Outlook crash on opening a shared calendar

I have a problems today with an Outlook that keeps crash sometimes when a user is opening a share calendar. I tested it on my test machine and when the user opening the shared calendar at my test machine my own outlook crash also.

I then try to give the user full permission to the mailbox and that resolve the issues.

The error code in the event viewer was:

Faulting application outlook.exe, version 12.0.6514.5000, stamp 4a89dc70, faulting module mso.dll, version 12.0.6425.1000, stamp 49d65443, debug? 0, fault address 0x000057ba.

This is not the best solution but is a workaround for now. It seams to be a bug in the way Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2007 is running.

See also: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchange2010/thread/43469ef9-2274-403c-9a15-44460540f9e4

Åbne exe attachment i outlook

Har i oplevet at i ikke kan åbne .exe, .mdb og andre filer i en nyere Outlook dette skyldtes et filter Microsoft har sat ind, man kan dog overstyrer dette filter. Se mere her omkring hvordan i gør.
(Always make a backup before editing the registry.) To use this key:
1. Run Regedit, and go to this key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Outlook\Security (change 10.0 to 9.0 for Outlook 2000 SP3 or to 11.0 for Outlook 2003)
2. Under that key, add a new string value named Level1Remove.
3. For the value for Level1Remove, enter a semicolon-delimited list of file extensions. For example, entering this:


would unblock Microsoft Access files and Internet shortcuts. Note that the use of a leading dot was not previously required, however, new security patches may require it. If you are using “mdb;url” format and extensions are blocked, add a dot to each extension. Note also that there is not a space between extensions.