Tag Archives: prtg

Passler PRTG Windows update Probe says missing updates, but none in windows update

You can run this commands to see what updates, that PRTG windows update probes is warning about.

$searcher = (New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session).CreateUpdateSearcher();$searcher.Search("Type='Software'").Updates | Sort-Object -Property Dates -Descending | ft -autosize IsInstalled, MsrcSeverity,title

Problems with running WMI Request from domain member to workgroup machine

Today, I have the problem that I could not run WMI request from a Domain join member server, to a standalone workgroup server.

It keeps telling me Access Denied.

It turn out that:
In a workgroup, the account connecting to the remote computer is a local user on that computer. Even if the account is in the Administrators group, UAC filtering means that a script runs as a standard user.

That is a good link to refer to. It is about Remote UAC and WMI. The solution is to go to the following registry key – HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System – and create a new name called LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy (of type DWORD_32) with a value of 1. (Check the Serverfault post for one more solution if you are using a Server 2012).