Arcserve (Brightstor) Linux behind Windows Arcserve R12
We have upgraded a Arcserve (Brightstor) R11.5 to version R12. But behind this one there was install some R11.1 Linux agents. We have been told by CA Support that R12…
We have upgraded a Arcserve (Brightstor) R11.5 to version R12. But behind this one there was install some R11.1 Linux agents. We have been told by CA Support that R12…
I was looking to a method to search a lot of .gz files through. It was some logfiles, you can use zgrep to do this. Example: zgrep ‘Search word’ /path/to/yours.gz…
I have some trouble install vmware-mui on my Ubuntu 8.04. I got it fix, doing this: ln -s /usr/lib/vmware-mui/lib/ /lib/ ln -s /usr/lib/vmware-mui/lib/ /lib/ ln -s /usr/lib/vmware-mui/lib/ /lib/ And after…
I want to build pure-ftpd from source becurs my debian server dosent support capabilities. So first i download the package: host:/usr/local/src/# cd /usr/local/src host:/usr/local/src/# apt-get -b source packagename Then i…
If you want a sign certificat to use with apache, you need to do this: openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024 openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr openssl rsa…
I have tonight install CA Brightstor 11.5, on my Linux servers. I am running Debian so it’s pretty easy; we just need these two files: /cdrom/cmagent/babcmagt.deb /cdrom/babagent/babagtux.deb So it’s just:…
Nå man vil komme en ny disk i sit raid og ens bootloader er grub, skal man huske efter man har tilføjet disken til raidet, at tilføje den nye disk…
This is a small howto in installation of djbdns, with tinydns and axfrdns services. First install daemontools mkdir -p /package chmod 1755 /package cd /package wget gunzip daem...
1) dpkg --get-selections > list.txt **do this on source system **move "list.txt" to target system** 2) dpkg --set-selections < list.txt **do this on target system 3) dselect install ...
When you run apt-get in Debian Unstable, you can get a error like this: W: GPG error: unstable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key…