Tag Archives: 2008

Windows 7/2008/2008 R2 Won’t boot after installation of KB4512506 / KB4512486 / KB4512476

After installation of these update, you can have problem booting you server. with this warning:

The digital signature for this file couldn’t be verified.
file:\windows\system32\winload.efi status 0xc0000428

You can fix it by booting you windows operation on the installation disc, and go to a Recovery command prompt and type these commands:

c:\> bcdedit

This screenshot is taken from a running Windows Server, in a recovery boot the identifier under the second Windows Boot Loader, will be named {default} instead of {current}

c:\> bcdedit -set {default} -nointegritychecks 1

Replace {default} with the one from the bcdedit output.

Normal this have been resolved by installation and updated version of KB4474419, but there have not been an updated version to Windows server 2008 yet.
But to Windows 7 and Windows server 2008 R2, you can download an updated version here:

There is not enough space available on the disk(s) to complete this operation

When you want to resize the disk in Windows 7, server 2008 or server 2008 R2, you might get this warning:

Error: there is not enough space available on the disk(s) to complete this operation

This could be fixed by the following guides:

  1. Right click on my computer
  2. Click on Manage
  3. Goto storage
  4. Click on Disk management
  5. Right click on disk management and click on rescan disks
  6. Try to resize the disk again

Change SQL Collation

Steps for chaning Collation:

  1. Take backup of Databases and logins.
  2. Detach all databases execpt system databases. (All users databases)
  3. Find the SQL server installation path (Root of the CD)
  4. Run this command:

/QUIET – Run it as a sillent installation

/action – We are running rebuilddatabase to change the server collation

/Instancename – withs instance do you want to change collation on.

/SAPPW -SA password for this instance

/SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS – An administration account, normally the run you are running this from. The user should be administrator of the SQL Server

/SQLCollation – withs collation should you change to.


Terminal server, Redirected folders and PDF Creator problems

Today i have installed the programs PDF Creator on a Terminal servers, Windows 2008 R2. But it will only run under the administrators account.

Some search for errors lead me to that it could be that PDF Creator creates is temp files under <temp>\PDFCreator, but my user have redirected folders, so it was under a network shares. It seams that PDFCreator have some troubles with this, so I change the temp location in the registry database, and its now working for my users.

You need to change:


Changed the value to “C:\PDFCreator\”

Change also:

Changed the value to “C:\PDFCreator\”

Then create a folder on c:\ with the name of PDFCreator, and set security so that all yours terminal servers users have modify access to this folders.