Tag Archives: error

MSSQL – check that the Agent Job have been run as Schedule

I have this problems, that if a schedule inside a Agent job, have not been started for some reason, there will be no errors about this problem.

So Í have created this script, that will give the Status of 1, if the job, haven’t been run for the last two hours.
I used PRTG to check the status.

USE msdb

DECLARE @LastRunTime VARCHAR(1000)
DECLARE @LastRunStatus VARCHAR(1000)
DECLARE @CurrentTime VARCHAR(20)

SET @JobName = 'JOBNAME'

SET @CurrentTime = LEFT(REPLACE(CONVERT (time, DATEADD(HOUR, - 2, GETDATE())),':',''),6)

SELECT DISTINCT @LastRunTime = SJH.run_time
FROM sysjobhistory SJH, sysjobs SJ
WHERE SJ.[name] = @JobName AND SJH.job_id = SJ.job_id and SJH.run_date = 
(SELECT MAX(SJH1.run_date) FROM sysjobhistory SJH1 WHERE SJH.job_id = SJH1.job_id)

IF @LastRunTime >= @CurrentTime
	SELECT '0' AS Status
	SELECT '1' AS Status

In line 10, replace – 2 with the number of hours, you want to go back

Below is the same script, just for daily jobs, so it will will check if the job haven’t been run in the last 25 hours (My Schedule is set to run every 24 hours, and i give it an hour to be finish, before i got an alarm.

DECLARE @LastRunDate VARCHAR(1000)
DECLARE @LastRunStatus VARCHAR(1000)
DECLARE @CurrentDate VARCHAR(20) -- used for file name

SET @JobName = 'JOBNAME'

SET @CurrentDate = REPLACE(CONVERT (date, DATEADD(HOUR, -25, GETDATE())),'-','') 

SELECT DISTINCT @LastRunDate = SJH.run_date
FROM sysjobhistory SJH, sysjobs SJ
WHERE SJ.[name] = 'Fibia optimering daglig (Batch 2)' AND SJH.job_id = SJ.job_id and SJH.run_date = 
(SELECT MAX(SJH1.run_date) FROM sysjobhistory SJH1 WHERE SJH.job_id = SJH1.job_id)
ORDER BY SJH.run_date desc

IF @LastRunDate >= @CurrentDate
	SELECT '0' as Status
 	SELECT '1' as Status

In line 10, replace – 25 with the number of hours, you want to go back