Tag Archives: openmanage

Install Dell OpenManage on ESXi 5.1 host

If you have follow my guide to install the Dell Openmanage on a ESXi 4.1 host, and try the same thing on a ESXi 5.1 you will get a warning from the host saying:
This operation is NOT supported on 5.1.0 platform.

You need to install it directly on the ESXi host in 5.1 version.
So you just need to upload the Dell OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-7.2.0-6945.VIB-ESX51i.zip file to the host, i will do this with WinSCP, i will put in the /tmp directory.

Then SSH to the host and run this commands:

esxcli software vib install –d /tmp/OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-7.2.0-6945.VIB-ESX51i.zip


~ # esxcli software vib install -d /tmp/OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-7.2.0-6945.VIB-ESX51i.zip
Installation Result
   Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
   Reboot Required: true
   VIBs Installed: Dell_bootbank_OpenManage_7.2-0000
   VIBs Removed:
   VIBs Skipped:

After you have install the VIB packages successfully, the ESXi 5.1 host needs to be restarted. When the host is ready again, you should be able to see that UserVars.CIMvmw_OpenManageProviderEnabled is set to 1. In this location

Select the host and go to the Configuration tab. Click on Advanced Settings and find the UserVars.CIMvmw_OpenManageProviderEnabled, and check that this is set to 1. In ESXi 4.1, this is UserVars.CIMoemProviderEnabled

Vmware ESX 3.5 and Dell openmanage

First you need to install:

This is a vmware Remote CLI tools. Install it on a windows machine.
After you install remember to log out and the log in, else you will get some error about libxml.dll cannot be found.

Then download Dell Openmanage  to the same machine that you install Vmware Remote CLI:


Put the Vmware ESX into maintaince mode.

Put tar.gz file  onto the ESX Host, and the untar the file, and then install the Dell Openmanage

tar zxfv OM_6.2.0_ManNode_A00.tar.gz
cd openmanage
sh setup.sh

Make sure that the Dell openmanage is install on the ESX.

Check if the Dell openmanage is started

/opt/dell/srvadmin/dataeng/bin/dataeng status if not then start it: /opt/dell/srvadmin/dataeng/bin/dataeng start (This commands should be run at the ESX host)

Enable SNMP in the firewall:

esxcfg-firewall -e snmpd
esxcfg-firewall –openPort 1311,tcp,in,OpenManageRequest

On the windows machine where you have install Remote CLI goto folder: C:\Programmer\VMware\VMware VI Remote CLI\bin

vicfg-snmp.pl –server <ESX Host> –username root -c appmanager -p 5567 -t

vicfg-snmp.pl –server <ESX Host> –username root -E

If you need to test the SNMP traps you can run this command

vicfg-snmp.pl –server <ESX Host> –username root -T

Vmware ESXi (ESX) 4.0 and Dell Openmanage SNMP Traps

First you need to install:

This is a vmware CLI tools. Install it on a windows machine.
After you install remember to log out and the log in, else you will get this error:

Can’t load ‘C:/Program Files/VMware/VMware VI Remote CLI/Perl/site/lib/auto/XML/LibXML/Common/Common.dll’ for module XML::LibXML::Common: load_file:The specified module could not be found at C:/Program Files/VMware/VMware VI Remote CLI/Perl/lib/DynaLoader.pm line 230.

Then download Dell Openmanage  offline bundle to the same machine that you install Vmware vsphere CLI:


Put the Vmware ESXI into maintaince mode.

Start a dos prompt, and go to:

c:\program fileres\vmware\VMware vSphere CLI\bin


vihostupdate.pl –server <IP address of ESXi 4 Host> -i -b <path to Dell OpenManage file>   (On the windows machine)

Reboot the Vmware ESXi machine.

vicfg-advcfg.pl –server <IP address of ESXi 4 Host> –set 1 UserVars.CIMoemProviderEnabled

Reboot the Vmware ESXi machine once again.

Make sure that the Dell openmanage is install on the ESXi.
/usr/lib/ext/dell/dataeng status if not then start it: /usr/lib/ext/dell/dataeng start (This commands should be run at the ESXi host)

vicfg-snmp.pl –server <IP address of ESXi 4 Host> -t <IP address of SNMP Traps destination>/<SNMP community> (On the windows machine)

And this command for enable SNMP Traps
vicfg-snmp.pl –server <IP address of ESXi 4 Host> -E (On the windows machine)

And then this to make Dell Openmanage happy about the SNMP traps configuration.
vicfg-snmp.pl –server <IP address of ESXi 4 Host> -c appmanager

Exit the maintenance mode.

If you need to test the SNMP traps you can run this command

vicfg-snmp.pl –server <IP address of ESXi 4 Host> -T  (On the windows machine)

And if you need to access the openmanage web interface, start Dell openmanage on a windows machine, and then logout (Right corner), and then on the login screen click on “Manage Remote Node”.

Type the ESXi hostname the username is root and the password is the password for root and tick the Ignore Certificate Warnings. Then click login.