Category Archives: Computer

Forward Inline or As Attachment by Default in Thunderbird

To change whether Mozilla Thunderbird inserts the forwarded message as an attachment or inline in the new email:

  • Select Tools | Options… (or Thunderbird | Preferences…) from the menu.
  • Go to the Composition category.
  • Make sure you’re on the General tab.
  • Choose Inline or As Attachment under Forward messages:.
  • Close the preferences window.

Opgraderingen til Apache 2 fra Apache 1.3 og danske bogstaver

Jeg har her til aften opgraderet en webserver fra Apache 1.3 til 2.0, herefter var alle danske bogstaver rettet af alle muligt mærkelige tegn.
Dette kan nemt rettes i apache2.conf filen, som ligger i /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (I hvert fald hvis du kører Debian).

Her skal du finde linien:
# AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-1
Og så rette den til
AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-15 (Forskellen på ISO-8859-1 og ISO-8859-15 er at € tegnet er med.)

Herefter skal apache genstartes dette gøres med ”apache2ctl restart”

Problems with apt-get in Debian (NO_PUBKEY A70DAF536070D3A1)

I got this error:

W: GPG error: testing/updates Release: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A70DAF536070D3A1
W: GPG error: testing Release: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A70DAF536070D3A1
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

This can be resolve but typing:
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys A70DAF536070D3A1
gpg --armor --export A70DAF536070D3A1 | apt-key add -

Windows Terminal Server and printing.

I recommend Thinprint to all Microsoft Windows Terminal Servers users.
This be curs it very simple and at the same time one of the best printing tools for terminal server i have seen.

In the 2 years we have been running Thinprint on our Terminal Server, we never have a outage that we can blame Thinprint for.

When you have install Thinprint, it is a best to disable windows printing on the Terminal server, this can be done in Terminal Services Configuration

In the Terminal Server it’s done this way:
Go into Terminal Services Configuration (Start -> Administrative Tools -> Terminal Services Configuration).
Click on connections.
Right click on RDP-TCP and chose properties.
Click the tab “Client settings”, and click on disable Windows printer mapping.

Now you have disabled the Windows Printing, and only Thinprint is now working.

Arcserve (Brightstor) Linux behind Windows Arcserve R12

We have upgraded a Arcserve (Brightstor) R11.5 to version R12. But behind this one there was install some R11.1 Linux agents. We have been told by CA Support that R12 support R11.1 linux clients. That can maybe be true, but not in our setup. We need to upgraded the R11.1 to R11.5. There is not yet a R12 Agent to Linux out there.

R11.5 can be download from CA Trials page:, but remember that you need a R11.5 license.


Terminal server og Thinprint

Har i nogen sinde oplevet problemet med at personer som skal på terminal server, gerne vil have deres printer med?
Hvis ja, så har i sikkert også oplevet problemet med at for printer driver og alt det andet til at fungere.

Vi har nu i en rum haft flere kunder som har benyttet Thinprint. Til terminal server, skal du benytte Thinprint Application server. Så selvom brugeren har 10 printer tilsluttet lokalt, ja så kommer alle 10 printer også med over på terminal serveren uden nogen former for at man skal installere printer driver og andet.

Kontakt evt. It-afdelingen A/S, som er forhandler af produktet.

Forces delete a printer in windows.

I have a problem, where I could not delete a job, and therefore couldn’t delete a printer. The Spool services were using 100% of my CPU.
You can delete the jobs manual, by doing this:

  • Browse to Start –> Run –> Type “cmd” And in the black console type: “net stop spooler” without the quotes
  • Browse to windows\system32\spool\PRINTERS\ You should see files there ending in .SPL and .SHD created around the time you tried to print – delete these files.
  • Go back to the black console, and type “net start spooler” without the quotes
  • Now to the printers and fax unit, to see if the printer queue is empty.

Everything should now be fine.


Install SQL Express 2005 quiet and with DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0

First you need to download SQL Express 2005 setup files, there can be done from microsoft homepage.

Then when you have download the setup files, you need to extract it, it can be done by typing:

It then ask you a location to put the extract files.

Then you can run this


This will install the database name dalbjerg, and with sa password SAPassword.

Hvem linker til mig?

Hvis du ligesom mig gå en lille smule op i SEO (Søgemaskine optimering), så er en af de vigtigste ting, link til din hjemmeside.
Uden en masse links til en hjemmeside kan man godt glemme at komme til at ligge bedre på f.eks. Google.

Google, har selvfølgeligt en services, hvor man kan se hvem som linker til en, men af en eller anden grund er den ikke særligt god, den viser kun et meget lille udplug af hvem som rent faktisk linker til en.

Her er Yahoo’s Sitebuilder noget bedre.
Her er et link til de hjemmeside som linker til min hjemmeside, på min nye adresse
Link til min nye adresse

Hvor i mod der stadigt er mange som linke til min gamle hjemmeside
Link til min gamle adresse

Det er blandt også en god grund til at jeg ikke har pillet ud af mit domæne, men bort omformer linket til min nye hjemmeside.

Grep .gz files on linux

I was looking to a method to search a lot of .gz files through. It was some logfiles, you can use zgrep to do this.
zgrep ‘Search word’ /path/to/yours.gz

So I do this to search a lot of gz files through:
Zgrep ‘130.226.165.XXX’ /var/log/apache2/access*.gz

If you just want to cat a single gz file, you can use zcat.
Zcat /var/log/apache2/access.log.52.gz