Tag Archives: terminal

Deny Dropbox from running with GPO

Start Group Policy Management Editor
Go to:
Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Software Restriction Policies

If you see:


On the right screen, then you need to right click on Software Restriction Policies, and choice “New Software Restricition Policies” first.

Right click on
Additional Rules, and choice “New Path Rule…”

Path should be:
Set security level to Disallowed

Make a another new Path rule, and set path to:

Set security level to Disallowed

To update GPO right away:
Run CMD as Administrator, and type: gpupdate /force

This will update the group policy on the machine this command is run at.

Windows cannot print due to a problem with the current printer setup

I have this error on my Citrix servers, where one user cannot print to one printers, while others user could.
“Windows cannot print due to a problem with the current printer setup”

The Danish error:
windows kan ikke udskrive pga. problemer med den nuværende printerindstilling

The fix was:

  1. Log on as the user have the problems
  2. Delete all printers in: devices and printers.
  3. Start regedit
  4. Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices
  5. And delete all entry here, beware of not delete any entry that there still exist in devices and printers

The problems was that some printers are created with:


will others are created with:

“\\\server.domain\printname”=”winspool,Ne35:” without the hyphen, and that seam to be the problems.