Tag Archives: rds

Change RDWEB to not redirect sound to client

If you have Installed Skype for Business and have enabled RemoteFX.

You might still find that Skype for Business is saying that it using Remote Audio, even if you have redirected you USB headset.

This can be changed, by running this command on in a Administrator Powershell.

Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration -CollectionName "YourCollectionName" -CustomRdpProperty "use re
direction server name:i:1 `n usbdevicestoredirect:s:* `n audiocapturemode:i:1 `n audiomode:i:1"

After this go to yours RDWeb page, and download a new RDP fil, and connect with you new RDP file.

After that Skype should say that is using you USB Headset.

Remember to select that you will redirect you USB Headset.

Enable Full Desktop in RemoteApp Collection

If you have a RemoteAPP collection, and you will like to have allow you user, to access a full Desktop.

This can be changed by logging into yours Remote Desktop Broker, and go to the Regedit, and browse to this page:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Terminal Server\CentralPublishedResources\PublishedFarms\<collection>\RemoteDesktops\<collection>

And set the value of ShowInPortal to 1

After this you will have the desktop in RDWeb

Remote Desktop seesions – See sessions on all servers in Active directory

If you have enabled that a user get lock out in Active Directory, if the user type the password wrong X times.
Then you might have experienced, that yours admin account get locked out multiple times, just after you have change the password for the admin account.

It could be that you have left a session on a server in you Active Directory logged on, and that session now trying to authenticated it self, by using you old password.

You can run this script, to check all servers in Active Directory, to see where there are user session on it.

function Get-LoggedOnUsers ($server) {
    if($server -eq $null){
        $server = "localhost"
    $users = @()
    # Query using quser, 2>$null to hide "No users exists...", then skip to the next server
    $quser = quser /server:$server 2>$null
    #Remove column headers
    $quser = $quser[1..$($quser.Count)]
    foreach($user in $quser){
        $usersObj = [PSCustomObject]@{Server=$null;Username=$null;SessionName=$null;SessionId=$Null;SessionState=$null;LogonTime=$null;IdleTime=$null}
        $quserData = $user -split "\s+"
        #We have to splice the array if the session is disconnected (as the SESSIONNAME column quserData[2] is empty)
        if(($user | select-string "Disc") -ne $null){
            #User is disconnected
            $quserData = ($quserData[0..1],"null",$quserData[2..($quserData.Length -1)]) -split "\s+"
        # Server
        $usersObj.Server = $server
        # Username
        $usersObj.Username = $quserData[1]
        # SessionName
        $usersObj.SessionName = $quserData[2]
        # SessionID
        $usersObj.SessionID = $quserData[3]
        # SessionState
        $usersObj.SessionState = $quserData[4]
        # IdleTime
        $quserData[5] = $quserData[5] -replace "\+",":" -replace "\.","0:0" -replace "Disc","0:0"
        if($quserData[5] -like "*:*"){
            $usersObj.IdleTime = [timespan]"$($quserData[5])"
        }elseif($quserData[5] -eq "." -or $quserData[5] -eq "none"){
            $usersObj.idleTime = [timespan]"0:0"
            $usersObj.IdleTime = [timespan]"0:$($quserData[5])"
        # LogonTime
        $usersObj.LogonTime = (Get-Date "$($quserData[6]) $($quserData[7]) $($quserData[8] )")
        $users += $usersObj
    return $users

$strCategory = "computer" 
$strOperatingSystem = "Windows*Server*" 
$objDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry 
$objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher 
$objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objDomain 

$objSearcher.Filter = ("OperatingSystem=$strOperatingSystem") 
$colProplist = "name" 

foreach ($i in $colPropList){$objSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($i)} 

$colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll() 

foreach ($objResult in $colResults) 
    If ($Err -ne $null) {
        Remove-Variable Err
    $objComputer = $objResult.Properties;  
    $ServerName = $objComputer.name
    $isalive = Test-Connection -BufferSize 32 -Count 1 -ComputerName $servername -Quiet
    if($isalive -eq $True) {
        $wmi = Get-WmiObject -class "Win32_Process" -namespace "root\cimv2" -computername $ServerName -EV Err -EA SilentlyContinue
        if ($Err) {
         } Else {
            Get-LoggedOnUsers $ServerName | ft -autosize




You can change this last command:

Get-LoggedOnUsers $ServerName | ft -autosize


Get-LoggedOnUsers $ServerName | ? { $_.Username -eq ‘kda’ } | ft -autosize

to only see where KDA is loggedon

Deny Dropbox from running with GPO

Start Group Policy Management Editor
Go to:
Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Software Restriction Policies

If you see:


On the right screen, then you need to right click on Software Restriction Policies, and choice “New Software Restricition Policies” first.

Right click on
Additional Rules, and choice “New Path Rule…”

Path should be:
Set security level to Disallowed

Make a another new Path rule, and set path to:

Set security level to Disallowed

To update GPO right away:
Run CMD as Administrator, and type: gpupdate /force

This will update the group policy on the machine this command is run at.