Exchange: Get a list of all email address
For en liste over alle mail adresse For en liste over alle mail adresse på et given domæne
For en liste over alle mail adresse For en liste over alle mail adresse på et given domæne
First you need to install Windows 7, and safeboot / Mcafee endpoint protection. Then you need to take a backup of the MBR, this is done with a Ubuntu live…
First you need to enable some standard Repos first Enable base and updates. Then you need to enable Dell yum Repos This will automatically create the repo files in /etc/yum.repos.d…
If you have problems connecting to a RDP session from yours Citrix Session, try disable the following services: CtxSCardCertPropSvc – Citrix Smart Card Certificate Propagation Service CtxSCardRemovalPolicySvc – Citrix Smart…
Run this commands: