Get mailbox sizes and export them to CSV/Excel
if you want to export all you mailboxes sizes to CSV/Excel, you can run this command in you powershell:
if you want to export all you mailboxes sizes to CSV/Excel, you can run this command in you powershell:
The easist way is just to run this command in powershell: Where: is the IP address of the Exchange server is the ip of the clients how need…
If you want to change Autodiscover / EWS / OAB / OWA / ECP / Activesync Url, this is how it works Or if this is a single server installation…
I was returing to an older snapshot of my Exchange servers. But when i want to logon to the Exchange server, it came with “Trust relationship has been lost with…
Here is a script, that runs though you Exchange server, and return all permission on all folders in all mailboxes. The script needs to be running from the Exchange management…
To get a CSV file, from you exchange with full access and send as permission, from all you mailboxes run these commands: Full Access Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxPermission | where {$_.user.tostring()…
Get-Mailbox -id KennethDalbjerg | select-expand EmailAddresses | %{$_.SmtpAddress}
I have this problems that i could delete a routinggroup between an old Exchange 2003 and a new Exchange 2010. When i type Get-RoutingGroupConnector Name SourceRoutingGroup TargetRoutingGroup —- —————— ——————…
Hello If you have Internet Explorer 9 and TMG / UAG installed on the same machine you need to apply this patch, else you will get: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Microsoft%20Forefront%20Threat%20Management%20Gateway/UI_HTMLs/Generic.htm?guid=%7B1FC3773B-C941-450C-BA39-224904EFD093%7D * Open “C:\Program…
GET-MAILBOX * | where { $_.PrimarySMTPAddress.Domain -eq ‘’ }