Category Archives: Computer

Remove-RoutingGroupConnector – The operation couldn’t be performed because ‘rg-exchange’ matches multiple entries.

I have this problems that i could delete a routinggroup between an old Exchange 2003 and a new Exchange 2010.
When i type Get-RoutingGroupConnector

Name SourceRoutingGroup TargetRoutingGroup
—- —————— ——————
RG-Exchange Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR) First Routing Group
RG-Exchange First Routing Group Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)

So i have 2 Routinggroup Connector with the same name. So when i type
Remove-RoutingGroupConnector -id “RG-Exchange”

I got
The operation couldn’t be performed because ‘rg-exchange’ matches multiple entries.
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (0:Int32) [Remove-RoutingGroupConnector], ManagementObjectAmbiguousExcepti
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 6C29C43B,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.RemoveRoutingGroupConnec

So all i did was typing this instead:
get-routinggroupconnector -id “RG-Exchange” | remove-routinggroupconnector

Then it will ask you if you want to delete all routingsgroup with the name “RG-Exchange”

Ahsay restore Microsoft SQL (MSSQL) server database

If you want to restore a Microsoft SQL database, from a fuld backup, and put some transaction log file into it.  (This backup has backup by ahsay)

This is the why to do it:

  1. Start Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Right click on Databases, and select restore database

  3. Type a database “To database”, and select from device , and press the butten with the 3 dots (…)

  4. Select file, and then click Add

  5. Select the database file you want to restore, and click ok

  6. Then select options, and click “Leave the database non-operational, and do not roll back uncommitted transactions. (Restore with NORECOVERY), then click OK
  7. Start a new query, and type this (Change it to yours database and files).
  8. RESTORE LOG RestoreTest
    FROM DISK = ‘F:\RestoreTest\2011-09-13(09-00-00)_LOG_RestoreTest_2011.bak’
    FROM DISK = ‘F:\RestoreTest\2011-09-13(10-00-00)_LOG_RestoreTest_2011.bak’

    RESTORE LOG Farma_test
    FROM DISK = ‘F:\RestoreTest\2011-09-13(11-00-00)_LOG_RestoreTest_2011.bak’

    RESTORE LOG Farma_test
    FROM DISK = ‘F:\RestoreTest\2011-09-13(12-00-00)_RestoreTest_2011.bak’

  9. When you have takende the sekund last backup file, just type this:
  10. RESTORE LOG Farma_test
    FROM DISK = ‘F:\RestoreTest\2011-09-13(13-00-00)_RestoreTest_2011.bak’

Microsoft Exchange 2010 – Ahsay restore to recovery mailbox database / storage group.

Ahsay have no support for native restore to Exchange recovery group, but here is a workaround of that problems.

First create a recovery storagegroup
New-MailboxDatabase -Recovery -Name RDB1 -Server exch2010 -EdbFilePath “F:\Backup\Restore\Data\rdb1.edb” -LogFolderPath “F:\Backup\Restore\Log”
Where RDB1 is the name of the Recovery database and Exch2010 is the name of the servere where recovery database should be located.

Restore the Exchange 2010 database to a alternative location in ahsay. With both logfiles and the database files, restore it to “F:\Backup\Restore\Data\Mailbox Database.edb” or where you location is.

Then run repair of the restored database.
Eseutil /p “F:\Backup\Restore\Data\Mailbox Database.edb”

Then mount the database
Mount-Database -Identity ‘Mailbox Database’

Example restore a mailbox to a Restore mailbox in the real database.
Restore-Mailbox -Identity ‘mailbox_to_restore_content_to’ -RecoveryDatabase RDB1 -RecoveryMailbox ‘Mailbox_Restore’ -TargetFolder Recovery

This will create a folder name Recovery under mailbox_to_restore_content_to, with the content of Mailbox_Restore

[PS] C:\Recovery20110909>Restore-Mailbox -Identity jvrestore -RecoveryDatabase RDB1 -RecoveryMailbox ‘Jesper Vernegaard’
-TargetFolder Recovery

Disable password complexity password policy

Logon to you Domain Controller, and start Group Policy Manager.

Right click on you “Default Domain Policy” and press edit

Go to Computer Configuration -Policies -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Account Policy -> Password Policy

And set all settings to 0 (zero) or disable.


Do not set it to Not defined, that will set is as default behavior = Password complexity enabled.

Citrix VDI Xendesktop Ekspert

Jeg er blevet certificeret i Citrix XenDesktop, samtidig med at jeg har sat et komplet redudant Citrix Xendesktop miljø op.

Citrix Xendesktop tilbyder dig en hosted desktop løsning, der hvor Citrix Xendesktop virkelig kommer til udtryk er hvis i f.eks. i jeres virksomhed er 50 ansatte, istedet for at skulle købe 50 computer, vedligeholde image til disse, hvilket i tilfælde af 50 nye maskiner ikke er så svært men med tiden, vil man efterhånden for mange foreskellige computere man skal have image til.
Her kan man istedet for med Citrix Xendesktop, have et image, som ligger på en hypervisor, enten fra Vmware eller Citrix, og så bare have tynde klienter ude istedet for en fysisk computer.
Så begynder man at spare meget tid i forbindelse med vedligeholdelse, og er der så et problem med en klienter, så for brugeren bare et nyt image.

Derudover har man også 100% kontrol over ens maskiner, for “computeren” forlader aldrig serverrummet.

Der er mulighed for at arbejde med shared grund image, således at image er låst af administratoren og alle arbejde i samme image, nå så man logger af, genstarter ens VDI og den bliver så automatisk nulstillet til “fabriksindstillinger”.

Der er også mulighed for at nogle bruger for deres egen VDI, som de selv kan administrere. Gå den i stykker ruller man bare en ny klient ud til brugeren, som de kan rode i.

Citrix Xendesktop virker på den måde at nå den tynde klienter starter op, starter den op med at kalde Citrix Xendesktop og for præsenteret en virtuel maskine hosted på en fælles server.
Citrix har også noget de kalder XenApp. I Citrix Xenapp arbejderalle brugere på en terminalserver eller flere i en farm, men med Xendesktop for hver medarbjeder sin egen virtuelle computer, og derved kan man ikke belaste systemet så meget at det gør det umuligt for de andre medarbejde at arbejde i deres setup.

Med f.eks. så Microsoft APP-V, kan man streame applikationer ud til ens VDI, og derved nøjes med et grundimage, hvor der er installeret basic tingende som alle brugere, og så have resten af sine applikationer liggende på sin APP-V server.

Der hvor APP-V adskiller sig fra Xenapp, er at programmerne kører på den maskine de bliver streamet til og ikke køres fra en central server. Igen en fordel da en bruger ikke kan belastede systemet så meget at det ødelægger de andres performence.

Jeg glæder mig til arbjede rigtigt meget med Citrix Xendesktop. Kontakt mig endelig for spørgsmål angående dette produkt.

Citrix Xendesktop enable logging on VDI machines

1.     Create a new directory called e:\vdilogging\.
The Network and Local service accounts need to have write access to this folder. If you using vdisk in standard mode, remember to save it on locally harddrive.

2.     Go to c:\Program Files\Citrix\Virtual Desktop Agent\

3.     Open WorkstationAgent.exe.config with notepad

4.     Goto <appSettings>.

5.     Within the <appSettings> tag, insert the following lines:

<add key="LogToCDF" value ="1"/>
<add key="LogFileName" value ="C:\ctxlogging\vda.log"/>

6.     Then you need to restart you desktop machine

Limit SQL Server maximum memory SQL instance

  • Start SQL Server Management Studio
  • Connect to you SQL server instance
  • Start a “New Query”
  • And then put this into you SQLQuery1.sql window

sp_configure ‘show advanced options’,1
reconfigure with override
sp_configure ‘max server memory’, 4096
reconfigure with override

  • Then push the execute buttom, this will limit you SQL instance to 4096MB or 4GB. Please beware of, if you have multiple instance each instance you wan’t to limit

Limit SQL Server maximum memory SQL of WSUS

  • Start SQL Server Management Studio
  • Connect to \\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query
  • Start a “New Query”
  • And then put this into you SQLQuery1.sql window

sp_configure ‘show advanced options’,1
reconfigure with override
sp_configure ‘max server memory’, 256
reconfigure with override

  • Then push the execute buttom, this will limit you SQL of WSUS to 256MB, whitch should be enough.