Category Archives: Windows

MSSQL – Always On availability group – Get sync status

If you wan to know the sync status of a always On availability group database replication, this command can be used:

	adc.database_name, AS ag_name, 
FROM sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states AS drs
INNER JOIN sys.availability_databases_cluster AS adc 
	ON drs.group_id = adc.group_id AND 
	drs.group_database_id = adc.group_database_id
INNER JOIN sys.availability_groups AS ag
	ON ag.group_id = drs.group_id
INNER JOIN sys.availability_replicas AS ar 
	ON drs.group_id = ar.group_id AND 
	drs.replica_id = ar.replica_id

Passler PRTG Windows update Probe says missing updates, but none in windows update

You can run this commands to see what updates, that PRTG windows update probes is warning about.

$searcher = (New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session).CreateUpdateSearcher();$searcher.Search("Type='Software'").Updates | Sort-Object -Property Dates -Descending | ft -autosize IsInstalled, MsrcSeverity,title

Installation of New Exchange server

If you ever have installed a new Exchange server in an Active Directory orgainisation that allready have an Exchange server (That’s not so often anymore), you may have discovered that users get Certificate warning in Outlook, unto you have changed the URL’s to match the certificates.

But I found this script on Github:

It copy the settings of all IIS url’s to the new Exchange server, when it found it in Active Directory.
So run this script before the start of the installation, and you will not receive the certificate warnings after the installation.

Resetting windows password, with Windows ISO

If you have restored a server, or somehow lost the password for your windows installation, you can reset the password with only a Windows installation ISO or USB. It doesn’t need to be the right version, just a newer one (later that than 2012R2).

All you need to do is boot you computer/server with the ISO file.

After your have started it, set the “Keyboard or input method”, to the correct language and click Next
Click on “Repair your computer”
Click on “Troubleshoot”
Click on “Command Prompt”
Change to the OS drive, in this example it’s d: it could also be c:
then change directory to windows\system32

And then rename the file utilman.exe to utilman.bak
And last copy cmd.exe to utilman.exe

Then you should close the windows, and reboot your computer

Click on the “easy access tab” and a command prompt will start
Type “net user administrator NEWPASSWORD”

After the password have been changed, please close the command prompt, and login with “Administrator” and the new password you just have changed it to.

When you are login, you need to clean up, so that utilman.exe, is the correct utilman.exe file. so change to directory c:\windows\system32, and del tuilman.exe and rename utilman.bak back to utilman.exe

Now you are finish, and you have recovered your password.

Intune – Re-enroll/Re-push Device Configurations

I needed to change a Intune VPN profiles, because I needed more networks in our Split tunneling setup.

Unfortunately, after the creation of the extra subnets, the changes did get pushed to devices.
I found out, that if you just change the description of the Intune devices configuration, all devices status was set to pending, and started re-enrolled of the device configuration.

So just edit the description, e.g you can add a small changelog in the description.

Compare two folders with Powershell

This script checks first that folders exist, then that filename are the same, and then that file Hash is the same

#$folder1 = "C:\Temp\test"
#$folder2 = "C:\Temp\test2"

if ((Test-Path -Path $folder1) -and (Test-Path -Path $folder2)) {
    echo "The folders exist"
    echo "Folder1: $folder1"
    echo "Folder2: $folder2"
    $sourceFiles = Get-ChildItem $folder1 -Recurse
    $destFiles = Get-ChildItem $folder2 -Recurse
    if (Compare-Object $sourceFiles.Name $destFiles.Name) {
        echo "The folders is not the same"
    } else {
        echo "Check of the folders show us that there have the same content - OK"
        $SourceDocs = Get-ChildItem –Path $folder1 -Recurse | foreach  {Get-FileHash –Path $_.FullName}
        $DestDocs = Get-ChildItem –Path $folder2 -Recurse | foreach  {Get-FileHash –Path $_.FullName}
        if ($SourceDocs.Hash -ne $destDocs.Hash) {
            echo "There are difference in the the files"
            echo "folder1 Hash: $SourceDocs.hash"
            echo "folder2 Hash: $DestDocs.hash"
        } else  {
            echo "The folders are the same!"
} else {
    Echo "One of the folders or both, dosn't exist"

MSSQL Backup History Query

To see MSSQL history Query, run this SQL query. It will show all backups between the 1 january 2021 and 1 february 2021, order by Database and then Last backup time.

It will also show if the backup is a CopyOnly job.

SELECT  database_name,is_copy_only,backup_start_date,type,physical_device_name
       ,Row_Number() OVER(PARTITION BY database_name,BS.type
        ORDER BY backup_start_date DESC) AS RowNum
FROM    msdb..backupset BS
JOIN    msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF
ON      BS.media_set_id=BMF.media_set_id
AND		BS.backup_start_date >= '01/01/2021'
AND		BS.backup_start_date <= '02/02/2021'
           ,ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR,backup_start_date),'No backups') AS last_backup_time
            CASE WHEN type ='D' THEN 'Full database'
            WHEN type ='I' THEN 'Differential database'
            WHEN type ='L' THEN 'Log'
            WHEN type ='F' THEN 'File or filegroup'
            WHEN type ='G' THEN 'Differential file'
            WHEN type ='P' THEN 'Partial'
            WHEN type ='Q' THEN 'Differential partial'
            ELSE 'Unknown' END AS backup_type
FROM        sys.databases D
ON = CTE.database_name

ORDER BY,last_backup_time

Problems with running WMI Request from domain member to workgroup machine

Today, I have the problem that I could not run WMI request from a Domain join member server, to a standalone workgroup server.

It keeps telling me Access Denied.

It turn out that:
In a workgroup, the account connecting to the remote computer is a local user on that computer. Even if the account is in the Administrators group, UAC filtering means that a script runs as a standard user.

That is a good link to refer to. It is about Remote UAC and WMI. The solution is to go to the following registry key – HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System – and create a new name called LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy (of type DWORD_32) with a value of 1. (Check the Serverfault post for one more solution if you are using a Server 2012).

Intune Exchange Connector version is not supported

Microsoft have public this article:, that tell you to just download a new version from Microsoft Intune Admin portal.

But this warning messages could also happen if you allready have a connector installed on another server, even if microsoft says that the new connector will just replace the old one.
So if you get this warning, just after you have downloaded the software, and you have an old connector, delete the old one first.
Remember to check notice of what User Notification and Unmanaged device access where set to before deleting the old one