Ahsay restore Microsoft SQL (MSSQL) server database
If you want to restore a Microsoft SQL database, from a fuld backup, and put some transaction log file into it. (This backup has backup by ahsay) This is the…
If you want to restore a Microsoft SQL database, from a fuld backup, and put some transaction log file into it. (This backup has backup by ahsay) This is the…
Ahsay have no support for native restore to Exchange recovery group, but here is a workaround of that problems. First create a recovery storagegroup New-MailboxDatabase -Recovery -Name RDB1 -Server exch2010…
Hello If you have Internet Explorer 9 and TMG / UAG installed on the same machine you need to apply this patch, else you will get: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Microsoft%20Forefront%20Threat%20Management%20Gateway/UI_HTMLs/Generic.htm?guid=%7B1FC3773B-C941-450C-BA39-224904EFD093%7D * Open “C:\Program…
Hvis du har problemer med at C5 2010 bare lukker med det samme nå du åbner det, så skyldtes det sikkert at der i ini filen er en linie med…
Nå du lukker et Excel ned, så kan den komme den og sige: Microsoft Excel har fundet en fejl og afsluttes. Dette kan muligvis løses ved at gå ned i…
USE <databasename> GO DBCC SHRINKFILE(‘<logfilename-logical name>’, 1) BACKUP LOG <databasename> WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY DBCC SHRINKFILE(‘<logfilename-logical name>’, 1) GO
Ahsay have no support for native restore to Exchange recovery group, but here is a workaround of that problems. First create a recovery storagegroup new-storagegroup -LogFolderPath F:\Backup\Restore\Logs -Name ExchangeRestore -SystemFolderPath…
AOL has change there Root Certificate. You can download them at https://pki-info.aol.com/AOL/ These 2 need to be imported in all Office Communication Server T – rusted Root Certification Authorities You…
After buying a CA sign certificate from Geotrust i got this in my Event viewer: Remote principal name is not configured in trusted server list. The subject name sip.XXX.com of…
It is possible to disable the HTTPS authentication process for Autodiscover if you want. To disable HTTPS for Autodiscovery modify the following registry key: HKEY_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\AutoConfiguration – REG_DWORD – UseSSL –…