Windows 8 and Microsoft VPN problems
Today i have the problem where a Windows 8 machine, won’t connect to Microsoft VPN server. The problems was that MSChapV2 was disabled on the client. Please find this under…
Today i have the problem where a Windows 8 machine, won’t connect to Microsoft VPN server. The problems was that MSChapV2 was disabled on the client. Please find this under…
Today i have this problem, that my brand new setup of XenDesktop just start and showing connecting, but just after a few seconds just drop the connection, and the VDI…
If you need to update a license file on a Native Navision database installation, you simple just replace fin.flf file, where you have server.exe located.
Microsoft CRM Outlook Client Connector has the Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable as a dependancy. It will automaticaly install the Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable when you install Microsoft CRM…
I was returing to an older snapshot of my Exchange servers. But when i want to logon to the Exchange server, it came with “Trust relationship has been lost with…
When you want to resize the disk in Windows 7, server 2008 or server 2008 R2, you might get this warning: Error: there is not enough space available on the…
Steps for chaning Collation: Take backup of Databases and logins. Detach all databases execpt system databases. (All users databases) Find the SQL server installation path (Root of the CD) Run…
Today i have installed the programs PDF Creator on a Terminal servers, Windows 2008 R2. But it will only run under the administrators account. Some search for errors lead me…
For personale use only, use this programs: With this programs you can get the Serial key from you installed Windows 7 or Office 2010: The product is code…
If you want to take a backup from Microsoft SQL Server management Studio, and get this error: Operating system error 5(error not found), then the problems is that the user…